Loyola's historical exercises

Mario Loyola is the author of this fascinating- and highly instructive- article on American defeat and decline as an historical given in Democratic foreign policy.

Its main flaw is that it repeats the odd conservative delusion that the war in Vietnam was at any point winnable in the first place (the fundamental assumptions of the Nixon Vietnam policy, as cited by Loyola, were right on the money- not just as of that moment, but from the git-go). But besides the interesting observation- demonstrated by the text itself- that the Kerry-Feingold Iraq withdrawal resolution would not have actually required that we change our policy in Iraq one iota (the Levin formula is even more meaningless), Loyola reveals quite a few pieces of information about the policies of Democratic administrations of the past of which I wasn't aware.

This article is an education. I highly recommend it.

HT: Rev. Mike Zamzow
