Clinton's failed war

Remember Kosovo?

Clinton's war- like the war in Iraq, never approved by the UN- was an abject failure- and ethnic cleansing continues.

At least one once and future Democratic presidential hopeful- Gen. Wesley Clark, who was our commander in Kosovo- has built a political career out of that failure. Gen. Clark's defining moment was when he actually ordered a British officer to attack Russian troops who were obstructing NATO forces, only to be told in rather pungent but unmistakable terms by the (thankfully) insubordinate Brit that he was "not about to start !@#&*!! World War III!"

We seldom hear in the MSM about Bill Clinton's wimpish pursuit of Osama bin Laden, who even then had murdered American Marines and blown a gaping hole in the U.S.S. Cole- a pursuit which consisted essentially of launching a cruise missile at a place where Osama had been half an hour earlier. We never hear about how Clinton's savaging of the defense budget and the resources of the intelligence community both prepared the way for 9/11 and necessitated massive spending by the present administration simply to restore America's ability to defend itself- thus enabling Clinton to eliminate the deficit, and forcing Bush to bring it back. We and we never hear about the abject failure of Clinton's war in Kosovo. Yet all we ever hear is how we cannot possibly win our present war in Iraq, despite the highly debatable character of that assumption.

I wonder why.
