It was ever thus
One of the things handicapping democracies in the conduct of international affairs is that electorates tend to have consciences.
This is very far from a bad thing. But it does sometimes prevent them from doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done- and may ultimately lead to those electorates having more on their consciences than might be strictly necessary.
One of our outstanding experts on the Middle East, Daniel Pipes, applies this lesson to Israel's current war.
This is very far from a bad thing. But it does sometimes prevent them from doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done- and may ultimately lead to those electorates having more on their consciences than might be strictly necessary.
One of our outstanding experts on the Middle East, Daniel Pipes, applies this lesson to Israel's current war.
Too bad so few non-Lutherans, including theologians and even church historians so much as understand the Two Kingdoms.