Various other tests say that I'm...

1. Somewhere on the political spectrum between "Poppy" Bush and Jack Kemp;

2. The type of person who would feel most comfortable as a member of the:

1) Natural Law Party 70% (absolutely nuts)
2) Republican Party 60%
3) Green Party 60% (huh?)
4) Democratic Party 55% (I think not.)
5) Reform Party 55% (Unlikely.)
6) Constitution Party 55% (I doubt it!)
7) Libertarian Party 30% (That high?)

3. A Republican rather than a Democrat- though I refused to answer the first two questions on this test on the ground that they are dumb;

4. My top result for the selector, POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY--determine your philosophy, is American "Conservative" (some stupid questions, but better than most);

5. Exactly on the border between being a Liberal and a Statist (lots of stupid, badly phrased, misleading, and hard-to-interpret questions!)

6. A True Believer in President Bush (Ok.)

7. "You are a solid Republican. You are not as fiercely ideological or uncompromising as others in the party, but nonetheless remain a reliable supporter. If you could have your way, you'd like to see Republican leaders take a slightly more pragmatic approach on certain issues - and dial down some of their nakedly partisan and bitterly divisive rhetoric." (Sounds accurate.)

From all of which, I conclude... that on-line political tests are quite entertaining- though generally badly written in such a way as to either distort the result or completely perplex the person taking them ; that they can- if taken with a carload of salt- sort of reflect in a general way upon how one's personal political views fit into the general scheme of things... but tend to be created by folks whose own political biases and failures in methodology seriously compromise their validity.


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