It wouldn't be pretty

Mad at the Republicans? Ready to vote the rascals out? Or even planning to sit at home this November, or cast a symbolic vote for some third party?

Before you do, consider what would happen if the Democrats were to pick up those fifteen seats in the House and become the majority.

You might just decide not to make matters worse.


Anonymous said…
As a rallying cry, "We're not quite as bad as they are!" doesn't inspire much confidence.

Maybe if Democrats take the house the President will veto a spending bill or three.
Anonymous said…
I assume you don't count a vote for the "Joe Lieberman" third party a "symbolic vote".
Confidence isn't the issue. The House under the control of radicals is the issue. And of course, we disagree on whether spending for defense and homeland security is bad. We would not disagree, I suspect, about the kind of spending a Democratic Congress would do. Besides, by your logic, why not elect Hillary in 2008, and force the Republicans in Congress to exercise fiscal restraint that way?

Since Lieberman is better than the alternative, no, I wouldn't. Though a vote for Schlessinger would indeed be a symbolic vote.
Anonymous said…
Actually, a Democratic takeover of the House could be better for the Republicans in '08. It would provide actual opposition to rail against; specific policies and proposals to counter.

As the majority party in all branches, the current Republicans have a difficult task in explaining why they haven't done better.

And if the Democrats can restrain the rubber-stamp-fueled power-grab the executive's been pursuing, all the better.

Scott H
Anonymous said…
Hi again Mr. Waters,

You may or may not be interested to know that I am no longer really a libertarian. I guess you could call me apolitical. I've resigned myself to treat politics as the spectator sport it really is.

I'll just content myself to letting kings of the earth do what they need to do so that "outward discipline
might be maintained against wild, disobedient men [and that wild and intractable men might be
restrained, as though by certain bars]*"

When elections come around I will amuse myself by voting for the Constitution Party candidate if there is one and myself if there isn't.

So far this has improved my peace of mind.

*Epitome of the Formula of Concord section VI - The Third Use of the Law
Have fun.

Actually, of course, you refer to the First Use.
Anonymous said…
Yes, you are right, but I got that quote from "Epitome of the Formula of Concord section VI - The Third Use of the Law"
Understood. That was meant as a clarification, not a correction.

Glad that you're a convert to it.
Well, a bit of a correction, too, in one sense, since the Third Use doesn't really even arise.

Politics is part of the Kingdom of the Left Hand, which includes believers and unbelievers alike, rather than the Kingdom of the Right Hand, which involves only believers. That being the case, the role you assign to the "kings of the earth" is precisely the role we're discussing here, so I don't quite understand your point.

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