On the reading of many books

The Aardvark has tagged me with a book meme. It's a particularly difficult one, since it involves citing one book in each category (though some participants, including Oryceteropus Afer himself, have fudged a bit by sometimes mentioning two or more).

Anyway, here goes:

1. One book that changed your life.
The Hammer of God, by Bo Giertz.

2. One book, other than the Bible, which you've read more than once:
The Sunne in Splendour, by Sharon Kay Penman.

3. One book you'd want on a desert island:
The Bible.

4..One book that made you laugh:
The Collected Writings of St. Hereticus, by Robet McAfee Brown.

5 One book that made you cry:
The Cost of Discipleship, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

6. One book that you wish had been written:
A Precise Theological Explication of the Matters at Controversy in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in 2006, by C.F.W. Walther.

7. One book that you wish had not been written:
The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren

8.One book you're currently reading:
The Machine Crusade, by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson

9. One book you've been meaning to read:
The Grapple, by Harry Turtledove

10. Tag others:
Lisa Stapp, Mutti Beck, and TKls2myhrt.
