A really bad week

Pluto apparently has been downgraded in more ways than one...

HT: Eric Phillips

ADDENDUM: Note Eric's comment. Apparently next week you'll have to look at "last week's strip," and thereafter we lose the strip entirely.

ADDENDUM II: Or not. See Eric's other comment.


Eric Phillips said…
Just so you know, the link I sent you is to the most recent "Tom the Dancing Bug" comic. Next week, that link will point to a new one, and you'll have to click "previous strip" to see the Pluto one.
Eric Phillips said…
Addendum to the addendum:

Actually, you'll still be able to see it for a little while. You can see something like the last 8 weeks of strips, as long as you keep clicking back.

And sooner or later, it will end up on this fine TTDB archive:
