And while we're on the subject of embryonic stem cells...

Here are the thoughts of Lisa Stapp- one of my favorite Lutheran bloggers, who suffers from a progressive disease (Intermediate Spinal Muscular Atrophy, aka SMA Type 2) which the experts claim could be successfully treated with embryonic stem cell therapy.

And here is an entry by Pastor Walter Snyder of Ask the Pastor concerning a letter from a retired Lutheran pastor in Missouri who has Parkinson's Disease- the same ailment from which Michael J. Fox suffers- and has a sign on his lawn reading "VOTE NO ON AMENDMENT 2."

Amendment 2 is a proposed amendment to the Missouri constitution legalizing cloning for the purpose of cannibalizing embryos for stem cells. It's actually being advertised by its supporters as a "pro-life" measure forbidding cloning.

The people of Missouri will vote on Amendment 2 on November 7. Hopefully it will go down to ignominious defeat- as will Claire McCaskill, Sen. Jim Talent's opponent, who once accused President Bush of deliberately letting people in New Orleans die on rooftops during Hurricane Katrina because they were black.

Even if there weren't plenty of other reasons, McCaskill deserves to be defeated for that piece of outrageous slander alone.
