Jack Danforth- and the Left- are at it again!

In November, the citizens of Missouri will vote on this blatantly deceptive initiative, which would protect the cannibalizing of living human embryos for their stem cells under the pretense of banning human cloning.

Jack Danforth- a sometime Republican politician who is even more theologically confused, it seems, than most of his fellow Episcopal priests- has apparently made a TV commercial supporting the amendment stating that he supports this Mengele-esque measure because "I've always been pro-life."

There is noting pro-life about terminating human lives in order to treat other people's illnesses. Even terminal ones.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you," God says through the prophet Jeremiah (1:5). Dietrich Bonhoeffer was right: even if it were possible to argue that life does not begin at conception, there can be no argument that, at conception, God intends a life. He knows us even before we are formed in the womb!

But in fact, it is not possible. Cell division and growth begins at conception- and by every scientific definition, so, therefore, does life. And where the species is Homo sapiens, that life is by definition human life. To try to avoid the implications of that fact is precisely to play Mengele's game: to divide human lives into those which are sacred and those which are not. And once that game is played- once that line is crossed- any future line will always be completely arbitrary.

Don't be deceived by this attempt to recruit voters for the cause of death in the name of life. Ask the Pastor has some excellent commentary on the initiative and some very good links on the subject here.

HT: The Aardvark
