It's a good sign for America

The incoming Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Silvestre Reyes of Texas, wants more troops in Iraq in order to "dismantle the militias."

With the Iraq Commission's report apparently focusing on a redefinition of our role from primarily combat to training, it seems that the "change in direction" we're about to have in Iraq- with at least some degree of bi-partisan support- will be an honest effort to put the Iraqi government in a position to win the war against the militias, rather than cutting and running.

There will be many on the Left who will be disappointed. It remains to be seen how the electorate will react. But on the whole, it seems to me that this thing is headed in the right direction.

One worrisome feature of the Commission's recommendation: a reduction in troop levels at a time when we can ill afford it. The Iraqi police and military need to be purged of those militia members- many of whom take their orders from Iran- before they're going to be ready to take over from us.

Reyes is right: at least for the short run, we need more troops in Iraq, not fewer.

HT: Drudge
