The AP strikes again. Et tu, Drudge?

Compare what the White House actually said with the headline's implication that President Bush somehow approved of the Shi'ite taunting of Saddam Hussein as he waited for the trap door on the gallows to be sprung.

Ah, that good old "objective" Associated Press!

The headline on Drudge is even worse:

White House: 'Won't Condemn Saddam Taunts'...

The White House, of course, said no such thing, despite the punctuation of that statement by Drudge. In fact, as the story itself specifically states:

The White House, while declining to characterize Bush's reaction to taunting, worked to reshift the focus of the debate onto the execution of Hussein, not how it took place.

No implication I can see that the Administration wouldn't necessarily comment- perhaps negatively- later about the taunting, much less (as the AP headline implies) that it approved of it.

HT: Drudge


Anonymous said…
Well done bias shot! ;-)