"Secular fundamentalism:" the new fascism

This article from The Guardian is right on the money.

Militant anti-religionists are indeed the new totalitarians- and need to be told where to get off.

Preferably at the next stop.

HT: RealClearPolitics


Anonymous said…
Bob, did you see the "South Park" episode of about a month or 2 ago where Richard Dawkins becomes the prophet of the epoch of human history. Cartman goes into the future(freezing himself in order to not have to wait 3 weeks for the Nintendo Wii) to discover that instead of peace and harmony ruling a now secular-atheistic world, that the earth is divided between tribes of warring atheists. It's particularly funny when they replace swearing that involves references to God with reference to science, like "science damn you" or "science be praised" or my personal favorit "science H. logic!" The joke is of course that human beings will fight with one another no matter what (they have a good sense of original sin) and that secular fundamentalism is fundamentalism nonetheless.