An apology to Evangelicals for Mitt

A while back, I wrote a couple of posts accusing Evangelicals for Mitt of bearing false witness against Fred Thompson for claiming that he had not been pro-life his entire career. It appears that I was the one bearing false witness.

I've come across the actual text of a letter Sen. Thompson wrote early in his career in which he takes an essentially "libertarian" position: no Federal funding of abortion, but also no banning of it. This was over a decade ago, and his consistently pro-life record since then, it seems to me, negates any comparison with Gov. Romney's relatively recent conversion to the cause- a comparison which the Evangelicals for Mitt post was intended to suggest. Of course, I've been on record for a very long time in saying that I'm glad Gov. Romney has seen the light, and that I don't think his relatively recent change of position ought to be held against him.

Still, I owe Evangelicals for Mitt and the blogger at NRO who initially made the statement an apology, and it is herewith offered.


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