In smearing Thompson, the media's best is none too good

Richard Muth is not a supporter of Fred Thompson. In fact, he leans to (shudder) Ron Paul.

As noted below, the recent explosion of anti-Thompson mudslinging and lame attempts by the Leftist media to distort wholly unremarkable events into embarassments or even scandals strikes me as clear evidence of the white knuckled, knee knocking terror the Left feels at the prospect of the Republican party nominating one of the best communicators American presidential politics has ever seen, a man who would clean the floor with Hillary Clinton both in the debates and in November.

Muth, however, makes another point: that if this kind of lame, malicious nonsense is the best his philosophical opponents in the media can come up with, maybe it's time for Fred to start whistling Hail to the Chief in the shower.


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