If this is the worst you can say about Huckabee...

Here's a good response to the criticisms of Mike Huckabee made in the comments on the previous post.


Jeff Fuller said…
You quoted from a Human Events column.

From their website:

"HUMAN EVENTS gives voice to the great conservative thinkers of our era -- Robert Novak, Michelle Malkin, L. Brent Bozell, etc . . . ut not mention of Star Parker as being among "the great conservative thinkers"

#1 on that list
Robert Novak had some harsher words for Huckabee calling him a "false conservative".

I know people have to vote their consciences . . . but it's becoming clearer and clearer that a vote for Huckabee is a vote for Rudy
Jeff Fuller said…
Sorry, bad link for the Novak piece . . . .here it is
See my entry on the recent polls, Jeff- and my link to Dick Morris's response to Novak.

Huckabee's path is pretty darn clear, seems to me.
Jeff D said…
I feel a disturbance in the Force.

Some things Huckabee says on his website sound really good. I wish I could know he was serious about them.

"I believe that our massive deficit is not due to Americans' being under-taxed, but due to the federal government's over-spending. Achieving and maintaining a balanced federal budget is an important and worthy goal necessary to our long-term economic well-being. To achieve a balanced federal budget, I believe the President should have the line-item veto."

I agree with this 100%. If I knew for a fact that he would make this a reality, I would be behind him for this reason alone. I don't however, think he is being realistic.

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