RCP average has Mitt, Huck in a virtual tie in... Michigan!

Real Clear Politics' average for the polls in Michigan (!) shows virtual favorite son Mitt Romney's lead over Mike Huckabee shrunken to a mere one percent!


jarebear35 said…
your kidding, right? Huckabee was leading in polls at the end of November and now he is behind in the last 3 polls (by just a couple points) and you are excited about that...slipping in the polls is not a good thing, look at your own link.
Ah, no, jarebear. I'm not kidding. Michigan and Utah are Mitt's real home states; if Huckabee is doing as well as your own numbers admit he is in Michigan, your guy is in big trouble.

Big trouble.
BTW... I wasn't aware that Huckabee was leading in Michigan at the end of November. Maybe you meant to refer to those misleading polls in Iowa a few days ago> that were contradicted by all the other polls with bigger samples taken at the same time or later.

Either way, if you think things are looking up for your guy, you're dreaming.
jarebear35 said…
Bob, it's very simple...you go to Real politics on the internet, and you look at the polls in the STATE of MICHIGAN since they started polling, and it will show that Huckabee was leading at the end of NOVEMBER, which is what i was referring to. I found it interesting that that wasn't mentioned when it occurred but when it showed him behind ( again by just a couple of points) you thought that was news worthy. Just an observation, not "trying to offend your overly sensitive nature" (quote from Cinderella Man...great movie).
Hey, it's even simpler than that.

Mitt Romney is in trouble in a state in which he ought to be a virtual favorite son. And that is not only newsworthy, but an indication of how drastically he's failed to make his case to the voters.

Though his money has done him good service in Iowa and elsewhere. Don't think it's gonna be enough, though.
jarebear35 said…
ok, i see what you were getting at now, but i still think your purpose would've been better served when he was actually leading in Michigan.
Oh, and btw... here are all the Michigan polls taken since polling there began.

I think you'll see that historically Huckabee's position has been... well,other than you present it as being.