Right Politics USA is on board for Huckabee

Here is a new endorsement of Mike Huckabee by yet another conservative blog.

Note to the Romney campaign... pay particular attention to the third statement with the bold-faced heading!


jarebear35 said…
a conservative blog? again...i don't know if you know this, but blogs usually are composed of a couple of people if not just one. Are you impressed that a conservative blogger endorsed your candidate? i guess it doesn't happen that much. So a one-person show endorses your candidate? slow news day, huh?
Ah, I don't know whether you know this, but the overwhelming majority of blogs are written by one person. The ones done by two are more are actually a rather small minority.

Note the words "yet another." Nice try on that last couple of lines, though.
Carl Vehse said…
One conservative is certainly not singing a Kum-ba-Yah duet with Mikey - Ann Coulter, especially in her latest column, "LIBERALS SING 'HUCKELUJAH'".

Ann notes:

"He responded to my column last week -- pointing out that he is on record supporting the Supreme Court's sodomy-is-a-constitutional-right decision -- by saying that he was relying on the word of a caller to his radio show and didn't know the details of the case. Ironically, that's how most people feel about sodomy: They support it until they hear the details."

"Huckabee opposes school choice, earning him the coveted endorsement of the National Education Association of New Hampshire, which is like the sheriff being endorsed by the local whorehouse."

"Huckabee has said illegal immigration gives Americans a chance to make up for slavery."

"In a widely quoted remark, Huckabee denounced a Republican bill that would merely require proof of citizenship to vote and receive government benefits as "un-Christian, un-American, irresponsible and anti-life," according to the Arkansas News Bureau"

No wonder Ann stated:

"So this little stretch-marked cornpone is either lying, has a closed head injury, is a complete ignoramus -- or all of the above."

... or maybe Huckabee is just from Hope, Arkansas.
Ann claims, that is. Frankly, she is so apt to overstate her case that I don't believe her bare word.

In any case, Ann Coulter once had a fine mind. Rabies is 100% curable, if you get the victim to the doctor in a timely fashion; I'm sad that they were unable to do so in the case of Ann Coulter, who consistently drips such unwarranted venom that I've long since stopped reading her.