Snopes debunks that NAU weirdness

Here is the debunking of another common Paulista fantasy mentioned at my precinct caucus last week- the "North American Union," which supposedly will result from the merger of the United States, Canada, and Mexico- unless alert American patriots stop it! ;)


Jeff D said…
It was not a Paulista fantasy that "boarders would be dissolved by 2010" (which is the subject of the snopes article).

There is, however, an ideological goal among some for a common North American currency. Former Mexican president Vicente Fox calls this a "very long term" goal.
Jeff, it's an utter, complete, absolute psychotic hallucination.

There is also a very active nutso group called the League of the South promoting the renewed secession of the Confederacy. Today.

This is not grounds for re-supplying Ft. Sumter or arresting these bozos for treason, for the same reason the NAU isn't an actual threat. Think about it.
The borders are still there, and it's 2012.

Just sayin'.