And no- Lauren Richardson isn't brain-dead, either

Have you ever heard of Lauren Richardson? Didn't think so.

In 2006, she was in an automobile accident which left her profoundly brain-injured. She is not brain-dead, any more than- the lies of the media to the contrary- there was ever any real question of Terri Schaivo having been brain-dead. She is not on artificial life support. She is not comatose. And she is most emphatically not dying.

But based on hearsay evidence to the effect that, if she had the choice, she would commit suicide by starvation and dehydration (an act which would not, in fact be legal in most circumstances) if she found herself in such a state, a judge has ordered her killed- not allowed to die- by being starved to death and deprived of water.

Like Nancy Cruzan and Terri Schaivo, Lauren is being killed under circumstances which would not be legal in the United States were it not for Cruzan v. Director, a poorly-reasoned Supreme Court decision which ignored both logic and precedent regarding assisted suicide, and ruled that a previously-expressed desire to die (for which hearsay evidence is perfectly admissible and decisive) in a given set of circumstances justifies those who have the most to gain by that person's death killing her by slow starvation and dehydration.

Nobody, it should be noted, argues that terminally-ill people should be forced to undergo continued medical treatment in order to prolong their lives if they have credibly recorded their desire not to be made to do so. What is incredible about Cruzan, however, is that the Court ruled that if the family of an individual claims that a brain-injured person once said he or she would wish to die under a given set of circumstances, mere food and water somehow constitute medical treatment!

Lauren is, once again, not being allowed to die. She is being killed- killed under circumstances in which the law would neither permit her to take her own life, and would send to prison anyone who helped her to do so, if purely hearsay evidence had not been adduced to the effect that a person who cannot speak for herself had once expressed a desire to be made to die of thirst and starvation under such circumstances as currently obtain- even if he or she is not already dying.

Regrettably, neither the social Left nor the media are willing to be honest enough to call what is being done to Lauren euthanasia. Instead, it's veiled in euphemisms which speak not of being killed, but of being allowed to die.

Herein Bobby Schindler, Terri Schaivo's brother, speaks of the false compassion which killed his sister, which is now killing Lauren Richardson- and which is a cancer on the conscience of our society.
