Michael Reagan: 'The Gipper' would back McCain

A premise which I doubt that any honest student of the greatest president of my lifetime would bother to dispute.

HT: Real Clear Politics


Jeff D said…
Maybe, maybe not.

"Ron Paul is one of the outstanding leaders fighting for a stronger national defense. As a former Air Force officer, he knows well the needs of our armed forces, and he always puts them first. We need to keep him fighting for our country."
- Ronald Reagan
Without doubt. Ronald Reagan always supported the Republican nominee- even when his name was Ron Paul.

And in case you haven't noticed, the Republican nominee for President isn't going to be Ron Paul. It's going to be John McCain.

Thank God. Though even if somehow Paul had been nominated, I find it hard to believe that a patriot like Reagan would have supported a threat to our national security like Dr. No.
Jeff D said…
I thought you were talking about the primary.

I find it hard to believe that a patriot like Reagan would have supported a threat to our national security like Dr. No.

Look at the "Foreign Policy" part of the video again, starting at 3:20 but especially around 3:30, 4:05, and 4:35.
Er... the nomination is decided, Jeff.

My characterization of Paul's policy- and of Paul personally- stands. He's a threat to our national security, having no realistic notion of the world we live in or the role we have to play in it to protect our interests.

Nor is he morally qualified to be president, since this is what he's willing to stand by and let happen in Iraq- and we already know about those old newsletters, don't we?