"Reducing population," Planned Parenthood style

In the alternate history series Harry Turtledove recently concluded, the South won the Civil War when- following an overwhelming Confederate victory in an analog to Antietam- France and England recognized the regime in Richmond, and forced Lincoln to give up the struggle.

From then on, France and England were the CSA's beloved friends- and the USA's despised enemies. Germany became the North's ally of choice- and when World War I broke out, the United States allied with the Central Powers, who are victorious over the Allies- France, England and the Confederacy.

In the humiliation and economic hardship that follows defeat, Jake Featherston- the Hitler figure in this alternate universe- and his "Freedom Party" came to power in Richmond, and began the systematic genocide of the Confederacy's African-Americans. "Reducing their population" was the euphemism employed for the death camps and the gas chambers.

But the policy of "reducing the population" of America's blacks isn't fiction. It's very real.

It's being done by Planned Parenthood, that wonderful bastion of humane, socially liberal ethics whose agenda African-Americans vote to enable every time they vote so overwhelmingly for a liberal Democrat.

Consider the following:
