Will Denver in '08 make Chicago in '68 look tame?

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is charging that Barak Obama's totals in the New York Democratic primary were fraudulently suppressed.

Bloomberg, of course, is an independent- and ever since they were caught trying to steal Florida and the presidency in 2000, Democrats have been obsessed with imaginary vote fraud (they actually alleged it, on the basis of no particular evidence, in 2004's Ohio result as well!). But the story is still newsworthy. The ill-will building up between the Clinton and Obama camps is becoming uglier and uglier, and if Hillary somehow still manages to win the nomination, the reaction among Obama's supporters is likely to be cataclysmic.

Denver in 2008 may make Chicago in 1968 look tame by comparison.

With two candidates with followings much of which are far out in Left field as Obama's and Hillary's, the potential for self-destructive paranoia is extreme.

And they said the Republicans had a problem with unity! Don't be surprised, my friends, if GOP conservatives reach an accomodation with John McCain, while the Democrats form the circular firing squad which is their hallmark and heritage.

Perhaps it should replace the donkey as their party symbol.
