
I just Googled Dr. Ian Osborn's book Can Christianity Cure OCD?

Take a look at what Google "thought" I must, necessarily, mean.

Somebody's got an agenda here!


Anonymous said…
Do the same search and substitute 'capitalism' or 'buddism' for the word 'Christianity' and you get the exact same result. Relax, this is just the computer algorithm parsing away. Further, if you DO click on their suggestion, you get the same book anyway. It's not as if they are leading you astray to some other book with a different viewpoint. Normally Google does a pretty good job of trying to figure out what you really mean. I don't think it has an 'agenda' against specific topics.
You know, I just did as you suggested... and you're exactly right!

I suppose it is possible to get just a little too paranoid, even in the current socio-political atmosphere.