National Right to Life backs John McCain

Word has it that some Southwestern pro-life malcontents called the Sonoran something or other have been raising a ruckus about Sen. McCain not being adequately pro-life.

National Right to Life disagrees.

Dudes and dudesses, we are engaging in a campaign in which defeat means the election of the most socially radical president in American history- a man so anti-life that he opposes efforts to save aborted fetuses that survive their attempted assassination.

John McCain, on the other hand, is pro-life.

John McCain won the nomination fair and square.

The only alternative is Barak Obama.

Deal with it. The time for dissent is over. The time to either get that final Supreme Court justice or lose all the progress we've made on the Court with the Bush appointments is upon us.

It all depends on whether McCain or Obama wins. And for any real pro-lifer, that shouldn't be a hard choice at all.
