Ex-astronaut Mitchell: ET has been here- often!

Former astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell- co-holder, along with the late Alan B. Shepard, of the record for history's longest walk on the surface of the moon- says that the Roswell incident was only the tip of the iceberg- and that the government has been covering up visits by extraterrestrials for about sixty years.

Mitchell, 77, claims to have been briefed on some of what the govenment knows.

The technology of the aliens- who resemble the familiar large-eyed, large-headed, small-bodied stereotype, Mitchell says- is far more advanced than ours, and if their intentions had been hostile "we would be gone by now."

Mitchell was a part of the Apollo 14 mission- the third mission to land on the surface of the moon- in 1971.

HT: Drudge
