It's turning surreal

OK now. Let me get this straight.

John McCain was right about the surge. He said it could materially help the situation in Iraq.

Barack Obama was wrong about the surge. He said that it could not work, and until fairly recently insisted that it had not worked.

So Obama is the one who gets the credit when it becomes obvious that it has worked well enough that even the Iraqis talk about a non-binding (note the qualifier) deadline for withdrawal?

And how is it that the MSM has missed the single biggest difference between McCain and Obama on the war- and one on which al Malaki sides with McCain, and not Obama: whether a binding deadline for withdrawing our troops from Iraq is even remotely responsible? True, Obama keeps saying that his schedule could be modified by "conditions on the ground." But every time he says that, the Far Left and the nutroots go absolutely ape, and Obama seems to back off on the suggestion that he might postpone the withdrawal of a certain number of troops if keeping them there a while longer might help stablize Iraq.

The drawdown is already in the works. Due to the success of our arms in Iraq (can you say "victory," Defeatocrats?), we are now in the endgame of our involvement there. Yet the Left and its allies in the MSM seem bound and determined, if they can't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, to somehow claim credit for the victory for the candidate who has been arguing all along that we should give up.
