The best sign yet for McCain

Richard Cohen is not only whining, but whining like a very, very desperate Obamaphile.

The man is clearly scared!

For the record, I'll say here what I said before: if Barack Obama didn't mean to call Sarah Palin a pig- and I don't think he did- he still bears responsibility for using a metaphor which, in such temporal proximity to Palin's acceptance speech, could not help but be widely and quite naturally interpreted in that way.

He wasn't being rude. He was merely demonstrating once again that he is unready for prime time. But then, we already knew that; this incident was only one more example.

And yes, Obama did vote for a bill which included the following language:

Each class or course in comprehensive sex education in any of grades K through 12 shall include instruction on the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, including the prevention, transmission and spread of HIV.

No, McCain's ad pointing that fact out did not lie. McCain did not lie when he pointed out that his ad did not lie. But the whining of Cohen and his fellow journalistic fans of Obama's seems to clearly indicate that, if they aren't lying, they didn't read the bill.

And, of course, that they're very, very scared that The Anointed One might not win after all.

HT: RealClearPolitics
