Democrats talk more trash- and I do mean trash

Today Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn) offered this brilliant analogy on the floor of the U.S. House: "Jesus Christ was a community organizer (like Barack Obama). Pontius Pilate was a governor (like Sarah Palin)."

No, Rep. Cohen. Jesus was not a community organizer, and being an elected American governor does not put one on the same morallevel as Pontius Pilate.

And speaking of Pontius Pilate, Obama's Catholic running mate, Sen. Joe Biden- who professes as a practicing Catholic to believe that the unborn are living human beings, precious to God-suggested that Gov. Palin doesn't really love her Down's Syndrome child, Trig, because she doesn't support embryonic stem cell research.

Leaving aside the fact that nobody has yet discovered a way to do embryonic stem cell therapy without the risk of inducing cancer, and also the fact that other ways than harvesting living human embryos have been found to obtain pluripotent stem cells (just in recent weeks researchers achieved the feat using human wisdom teeth), does Sen. Biden- one of the many Catholics who believe abortion and stem-cell harvesting to be murder on Sunday mornings, but advocate the legality of the one and a resort to the other on every other day of the week- really think that it shows love for one child to use another living human child for spare parts?

I can respect pro-choicers who honestly believe that the unborn are not human persons. Those who believe that they are, and still advocate the legality of their killing for the sake of personal convenience or for spare parts, are an entirely different matter.

Barack Obama famously sends a thrill up Chris Matthew's leg. Joe Biden and his ilk send a chill down my spine.
