Earth to MSM! Check the credentials of the Democratic candidate for president before obsessing over Palin!

The Associated Press may have conceded defeat (that is, U.S. victory) in Iraq, but it apparently hasn't totally given up hope. It's trying with every bit of partisan fervor at its disposal to cast even the biggest weakness of the Democratic ticket as a Republican weakness instead.

It is making a big deal out of Chuck Hagel's statement that it's 'a stretch' to say that Sarah Palin is qualified to be vice-president.

Why no word on the rather obvious point that it's just as big a stretch to say that Barack Obama is qualified to be president- and for the very same reasons?

If Palin is not qualified to be vice-president, Obama is not qualified to be president. It's as simple as that.

It's fascinating how the media have made what initially seemed a silly premise- that in view of Obama's lack of qualifications for the job, the experience level of the Republican candidate for vice-president could even be an issue- into a reality by ignoring the more serious question of Obama's credentials in favor of obsessing over Gov. Palin's.

But with the media as deeply in the tank for Obama as they are, nothing they do this election cycle will surprise me.
