Marketing post-modern religion as a campaign ploy

The Obama campaign- dedicated, like the mainline churches and liberal religion in general ,to the post-modern proposition that symbols need bear no relationship to the substance they are intended to stand for- are coming out with a line of "faith based" merchandise advertising "Believers for Obama," "Catholics for Obama," Pro-Family Voters for Obama," etc.

The problem here is that pointed out by the wise old pastor in Bo Giertz's The Hammer of God, when his new curate informed him that he- the curate- was a believer. "That's fine, my boy," the elderly man of God responded. "And what is it that you believe in?"

Unclear as they are on the concept, the Left just doesn't see that nobody is particularly impressed by "faith" simply because it's faith. And as long as the Obama campaign and the social Left continue to oppose the substance of the Christian tradition on life issues and to encourage a worldview that marginalizes faith, merely using "the F word" isn't going to help them with those whose belief is in the substance of the historical Christian faith.

Faith, by definition, has content- and Obama and his crew stand opposed to the content of the Christian ethical tradition.

Now, c'mon. Some mainliner or liberal Catholic invoke Aquinas or Augustine on the question of when "ensoulment" takes place.

