So much for cultural diversity

A mini-flap has arisen on the web over this You Tube snippet, which shows Republican vice-presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palin being blessed by a visiting African pastor who prays- reflecting his own cultural understanding of the nature of evil- for her protection from witchcraft:

The hypocrisy of the "culturally sensitive" advocates of "diversity" on the left who mock this not only this minister, but Palin- a passive participant in the incident- is astounding. Whatever Palin's beliefs might or might not be, belief in witchcraft is widespread in Africa- as the elitist phonies who have tried to use this incident against Palin would doubtless have realized if they were nearly as serious about diversity and cultural sensititity as they pretend. And certanly the video above says absolutely nothing about Palin herself.

Here is a sensible article on the subject from the liberal Boston Herald.


Steve said…
Indeed the hypocisy of the left-leaning media continues. Last night on, I belive it was Hannity and Colmes, it was pointed out that the same media that has been so critical of Palin's religious background told us, during the Jeremiah Wright flack that we shouldn't be critical and that we need to try to understand liberation theology.