I'm back

It's been a while since I posted to this blog. There are various personal reasons for that, which I'm not going to get into now.

Suffice it to say that a great deal has happened since then. The Wall Street Collapse, for one thing. What looked on paper to be a close election has turned (sadly, but not surprisingly) into what looks more and more like an Obama blowout.

Then, too, there were the debates- in which style seems to have essentially triumphed over substance, but which I doubt really affected the presidential race either way.

FactCheck.org and other monitors of candidate truth have failed miserably. I'll be blogging shortly about one incredible matter in which superficial research by FactCheck not only confirmed an Obama argument as factual in one entry which it outed as a falsehood in another, but completely ignored (or failed to notice) a material fact which tossed its vindication of Obama into a cocked hat.

Sadly, Colin Powell- a man I've admired for a long time- endorsed Barack Obama in a statement which made something all too clear that I've feared for a long time: that when it comes to the culture wars, Colin Powell sides with the bad guys. I never thought I'd see the day, though, when Powell would endorse a candidate who calls for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in Iraq, rendering the sacrifices of our honored dead there meaningless.

But I'm back. And I plan to be here for a while


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