McCain worker NOT attacked and mutilated

A McCain worker has been attacked and savagely mutilated in Pittsburgh by someone enraged by her audacity in displaying a McCain bumper sticker.

She had a "B" cut into her face.

Hmmm. By the logic the Democrats are using in holding John McCain and Sarah Palin responsible every time the Republican lunatic fringe repeats some nutty story about Obama being a Muslim, I guess Barack needs to be picked up for assault and battery, eh?

HT: Drudge

ADDENDUM: She made it up. It never happened.

And as is the case when conservative extremists accuse Obama of being a terrorist or a Muslim or otherwise act like the average Bush-hater of the past eight years, legitimate charges concerning of Obama's policies and record are discredited in the public mind, and an Obama presidency becomes just a little more inevitable.

HT: Drudge


Vince said…
Pittsburgh has an 'h' at the end.
You're correct.

Pittsburgh with an "h" has been the official spelling of the city's name ever since its founding in 1758- except for a period between 1890 and 1911, when standardization efforts by the United States Postal Service for the names of cities ending in "burg" resulted in the temporary dropping of the final "h."

The result was just enough confusion to make both spellings fairly common. The correct spelling is, however, the one that includes that final "h."

Thank you for pointing that out; I've made the correction.
