Pittsburgh McCain worker has "B" carved into her face by mugger of undetermined motive

A worker for John McCain in Pittsburgh has been attacked and mutilated by someone enraged by her audacity in having a McCain sticker on her own car.

Myself, I only had a McCain sticker torn off of mine.

Now, if McCain is responsible for lunatic fringe Republicans saying that Obama is a Muslim, being racists, and failing to brush regularly, does this mean that Barack needs to take the fall for assault and battery?

Just thought I'd check.

In any event, it certainly is further evidence of the scary fanaticism that seems to inspire certain disciples of The One. And what's good for the goose, etc.

ADDENDUM: In fairness, it should be reported that the McCain worker in question is being given a polygraph test because of "inconsistencies" in her story- though it should be noted that police expand upon their comment that her story has "changed" by indicating that she merely added details.

It will be interesting to see whether the results are released, and when. That could be just as interesting as the results themselves.

And police confirm something a commenter said about this story yesterday: the "B" that was cut on the worker's face was more in the nature of a scratch than a deep wound.

Still, I'm going to be watching this story carefully in the next several days. The descriptive language the police are using in characterizing the young lady's statement seems a bit strong when compared to the substance of the details they relate. I find the notion that this lady hit herself over the head and then cut her own face a bit far-fetched, and in a politically-charged story this close to an election, the credibility of the police in a highly Democratic city is as worth monitoring as the credibility of the victim.

I'll be waiting to see the results of that polygraph- and whether they're released before or after the election.

ADDENDUM II: I don't have to wait.

She made the story up.

Yet again, Obama's extremism is enabled by the nutty extremism of people on the Right.

HT: Drudge


Merge Divide said…
Call me a cynic… but if I’m going to rob a woman at knife-point in front of an ATM next to the Starbucks on the busiest street in Bloomfield (which happens to be the almost-entirely-white Little Italy section of town), I’m not going to stick around afterwards to see what bumper stickers she has on her car, and then double-back to carefully scratch (it was certainly not “carved” as some would have it) a very neat backwards (or upside-down) “B” into her cheek (therefore making a political statement), and tell her I’m “teaching her a lesson”. Especially if I know that Sean Hannity just happens to be in town the next day.
I guess it’s within the realm of possibility…
Yeah. I guess she carved it into her own face, eh?

Oh. Sorry. Scratched. Though you must have seen better pictures than I have.

No, I don't think you're a cynic. A partisan, maybe.
Merge Divide said…
Listen. I wasn't there. I'm just trying to make sense of this story. I don't think it will make much of a difference either way, but my stake in this is the reputation of my home town.
I, for one, think highly of your home town. I like Pittsburgh, and I from what I've seen on my visits I would not at all mind living there some day. Moreover, I don't think anybody is going to think less of it because of this incident. When I think of violent crime, Pittsburgh would come way down the list of major cities that would come to mind- certainly far below my own home town, Chicago.

This kind of garbage, unfortunately is happening all over the country. There aren't many people in urban areas of comparable size- or many smaller ones- who would be in any position
to feel superior.
Merge Divide said…
I wouldn't post suspicions about a woman's claims of being attacked just for partisan reasons. I was pretty damned sure, given what I knew about that part of town.