RFK Jr.: Registering dead people and cartoon characters is OK- if they don't vote!

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.- the guy who invented that lie about Republicans supposedly stealing Ohio in 2004- is now pushing the line that ACORN- poor, innocent, ACORN- is having its good name sullied by nasty people who work for it. Nasty, nasty, nasty!

And Kennedy actually said this:

Well, the voter eligibility issue really is a -- it's a sideshow, Larry. And all of this stuff that we've heard recently about ACORN falsely registering people, it's really not an issue our country. Over the past, since 2002, there's been 270 million people who have voted and there's only been 24 proven cases, across the country, of actual voter fraud.

The stuff that ACORN was involved in really was people who were working for ACORN defrauding ACORN.

You hear these stories about somebody filing 18 different registrations for the same person. Well, there's actually nothing illegal about that. You can file as many registrations as you want. It's only the last one that counts. And that, you know, they have Mickey Mouse registered or whatever.

But Mickey Mouse is not going to vote. It's really, you know, those people who are falsely registered -- it was people that ACORN hired that they were paying per registration that went to a phonebook and just copied down names or made up names and then collected their money from ACORN. But none of those people are actually going to show up and vote.

You know, David Iglesias, who was the prosecutor -- was the U.S. attorney under the Bush Justice Department for the State of New Mexico, was ordered by his boss, Alberto Gonzales, and by the Karl Rove machine in the White House to go out and prosecute voter fraud because they wanted to gin up this hysteria about it. He looked for two years. They gave him 100 names off of ACORN lists. He was not able to find a single case in New Mexico of anybody ever showing up and trying to vote twice or vote under somebody's name...

You can't make this stuff up!
