Why it'll be "one and done" for President Obama

I've said for months that the 2008 election would turn out to be a "poison pill" election like 1976 or 1988- one taking place at a moment in the nation's history that is such that any president elected in it would be doomed to serve only one term.

Here is an excellent post from the U.S. News and World Report explaining exactly why.

Yes, it was a bummer, watching those returns a week ago tonight. But now it's Barack Obama who the electorate is going to hold accountable for the state of the nation, not George W. Bush. And the silver lining is that the tough time America was going to go through these next four years no matter who won last Tuesday is going to be held against Obama, and not against John McCain.

No, the next four years won't be much fun for any of us. But the next two election nights- in 2010 and 2012- will be a lot more fun for us Republicans than last Tuesday was. And however insufferable the Democrats may be, remember: it's temporary.

HT: Real Clear Politics
