In defense of the defensible part of the indefensible

I take back nothing I have previously said about Rick Warren's doleful impact on our national consciousness. Turning the Bible- God's love letter to the human race- into a self-help book is an act of desecration beyond belief. The only "purpose" which drives the Christian life is that gratitude for God's undeserved and absurdly faithful love in Christ- a love which fills the Christian heart with a gratitude that spills over into everything else. Warren's attempt to get us to settle for a guidebook for (the God of St. Paul help us!) rules to enable us to fulfill the divine purpose for our lives (as if He Who called the worlds into being needed our help!) is nothing less than an obscenity.

But be that as it may, this is an excellent explanation for the biblically illiterate and the culturally paganized of why it is that the antinomian Left's objection to Warren as the giver of the invocation at the P-EOTUS's inauguration is as whacked as both Warren's theology and the take of the cultural Left on gay "marriage-' which will not be marriage no matter how many courts and legislatures decree otherwise.

HT: Real Clear Politics
