One thing you have to say about Dubyah....

Four years ago, despite widespread unpopularity, George Bush defeated a flawed challenger and won a second term in the White House.

Now, in the midst of the euphoria surrounding the election of Barack Obama, Peggy Noonan pauses to reflect that the concerns which led Americans to prefer Bush to John Kerry, and which were largely forgotten when they made their choice between Barack Obama and John McCain, remain just as valid today as they were then.

Whatever his shortcomings, there's thing you have to say about the president whose watch began months before 9/11, and who was tasked with rebuilding the intelligence and homeland security apparatus the Clinton administration had allowed to fall into such disrepair that 9/1l was possible.

At least he kept us safe. Now we will see whether the Democrats will be able to make the same claim for Barack Obama four years from now.

HT: Real Clear Politics
