Immigration and conservative survival

As bitter a pill as this is for today's conservatives to swallow, Richard Nadler of The American Spectator is right: the Republican hard line on immigration is killing both the party and the conservative agenda.

Despite the silly fantasies of some, the success of any sort of conservative agenda in America is tied inextricably to the success of the Republican party. And the success of the Republican party is tied inextricably to its ability to return to the pattern of the Bush years, and attract Latino votes.

Yet so radically has the conservative hard line alienated Hispanic voters that John McCain- a supporter of immigration reform- underperformed Bush among Hispanic voters by 13%. Nationally, McCain trailed Bush by only five percent.

If Republicanism- and/or conservatism- are going to have a future in this country, both will have to stop turning off the fastest-growing voting bloc in the nation. The alternative is a permanent majority for the Obama Left and the Democrats.

HT: Real Clear Politics
