A view from north of the border

Here's an interesting Canadian take on what we bought when we elected Barack Obama: a nanny state we can't pay for.

At least, as the author points out, the Canadians can pay for theirs. More or less.

Contrary to the liberal Ur-myth, the New Deal did little to help us get out of the Great Depression; unemployment actually went up after FDR started the same approach to a shriveling economy The One is resorting to today, and it wasn't until World War II broke out almost a decade later that it started coming down. And once again, the Left- which cannot win its case on the merits- is taking advantage of an economic crisis to impose upon American a lurch to the Left it would never tolerate other than under the guise of emergency measures undertaken because we allegedly have no other choice.

Certainly (in case you haven't noticed) that's the premise from which the media seems to begin in their overt support of the Obama "stimulus" program, and their cavalier dismissal of any and all objections to it.

HT: Real Clear Politics
