'Purple' hypocrisy from the White House

If Barack Obama is a post-partisan president, I'm Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

HT: Real Clear Politics


Barack Obama is about as bipartisan as Vladimir Putin... just as long as it serves his purposes, he'll give it lip service. After that, it's to be suppressed. Other than for political cover, he has no interest in earning GOP support, really. McCain was as about as bipartisan as they come... and he's turned on Obama in the first month, what does that tell you?

When challenged to defend his proposals and reckless spending, Obama promptly abandoned yet a major pillar of his 2008 campaign- that he will bring "bipartisanship" to solve the myriad challenges we face.

As Obama did his best to sustain his smiling used-car-salesman shmoozing skills, the Democrats crafted a bill with almost no GOP input or debate in committee. When met with resistance, the president arrogantly reminded Republicans that "I won", and that Americans "embraced" his ideas when they elected him.

Well, perhaps Americans supported his promise of "bipartisanship", and even swallowed the MSM's promotion of this myth... but did voters actually embrace the Obama that was hidden and denied... the REAL one with the most liberal voting record in the US Senate, and who voted a strict, far-left line in the Illinois legislature?

The hubristic victor Obama should be informed that the wave of unquestioned support that he's enjoyed to this point is rapidly coming to an end.

This nut is out of control-
