Obama is a more popular messiah than Jesus

Deaconess Emily Carder has pointed out a poll indicating that President Obama is more popular than a host of historical luminaries, including our Lord and Savior.

Part of me wants to be upset; after all, at least lip service to Jesus is customary in our culture. On the other hand, maybe honesty about stuff like this is a positive sign.

It's not as if the news were really a surprise. After all, if Obama hadn't been more popular than Jesus, how could he- or any other pro-choice candidate- have been elected in the first place?

A while back, Uwe Siemon-Netto even pointed out that a poll of "Evangelicals" taken before the last election indicated that gas prices had a higher impact on their votes than abortion. Yes, it would appear that the popularity of Jesus Christ is definitely on the wane, even among those who are supposedly His disciples.
