Obama the Radical

Here is an article from the American Spectator which ably examines Barack Obama's status as a stealth radical and a really, really scary figure in our history.


Yeah, that's what happens when you'll say anything to get elected- and Barack's never stuck around in one job long-enough to be held to account for his promises and actions.
It's about time this President was asked about his incredulous statements and disingenuous "goals"- for Obama to portray himself as some sort of deficit hawk just three days after signing the largest spending bill in US history is like Josef Stalin giving a speech deploring conditions in the Siberian gulag.
He's a narcissist that thinks he can do or say anything he pleases to gain POWER- it's all that really interests him.

And all his pledges are like what you get from a used-car salesman; they're just a means-to-an-end with him... and the expriration-date is tomorrow.
Obama's been writing his own story as the MSM just parrots it for far too long, and very little of it squares-up with reality. Barack Obama is habitually dishonest... and maybe he should finally get called-out on some of it.
- http://reaganiterepublicanresistance.blogspot.com/