The LCMS on the IowAbomination
Here is the text of a statement by Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod President Gerald Kieschnick on the Iowa Supreme Court's attempt to redefine society's oldest and most basic institution- marriage- so as to make it possible for individuals of the same gender.
It is unusual- though not entirely unprecedented- that yours truly should endorse a statement by President Kieschnick, so marvel.
I have not as yet been able to find an authoritative ELCA statement on the subject.
Of course, no statement the ELCA makes on the subject of homosexuality will ever be treated as truly authoritative until the radicals and apostates who run that benighted church body manage to enforce the decision quietly made at the ELCA's founding, and impose the acceptance of homosexuality on an unwilling laity via the method of the slowly boiling frog.
It is unusual- though not entirely unprecedented- that yours truly should endorse a statement by President Kieschnick, so marvel.
I have not as yet been able to find an authoritative ELCA statement on the subject.
Of course, no statement the ELCA makes on the subject of homosexuality will ever be treated as truly authoritative until the radicals and apostates who run that benighted church body manage to enforce the decision quietly made at the ELCA's founding, and impose the acceptance of homosexuality on an unwilling laity via the method of the slowly boiling frog.