You might be influenced by evangelicalism if...
From Rev. Tom Chryst at Preachrblog:
You believe it's important to be “Christian First, Lutheran Second”
You would rather have lunch with James Dobson than C.F.W. Walther
You believe the Great Commission is the central point of Christian teaching
You think that many Lutherans are too concerned about doctrine
You've ever called someone a pharisee for defending a point of biblical teaching
You think that different Christian teachings needlessly offend people
You prefer to say “close” rather than “closed” communion
Your idea of close communion means that Christians from other denominations are probably “close enough”
You say things like, “we've just gotta get the young people involved at church”
You don't see why an organ is more appropriate in church than a drum set
You prefer Group Publishing to CPH
You prefer Youth Specialties to Higher Things
You prefer Focus on the Family over Issues, Etc.
You think churches that are shrinking in size MUST be doing something very wrong
You think churches that are growing in size MUST be doing something very right
You think Lutherans believe “pretty much the same” as non-Lutherans
You think crucifixes and private confession are “too Catholic”
Your prayers contain the phrase, “Lord, we just...”
You repeat the mantra, “everything happens for a reason”
You think congregations should be “mission outposts” not “maintenance stations”
You believe the “marks of the church” include: stewardship, servanthood, and political activism
You think Confirmation is as important, or almost as important, as Holy Baptism
You believe that Holy Communion is between you and God, but has nothing to do with your neighbor
M. Zamzow