Obama: "Victory" isn't necessarily our aim

Mr. President, if, as you say, victory in Afghanistan isn't our objective there, what is?

And btw, Hirohito was not on the U.S.S. Missouri to sign the surrender document ending World War II!

Perhaps the Democrats winning the White House last November has an up side after all. The fuzziness of their thinking about matters of war and peace, national security, defense, and international affairs is manifesting itself in a feckless foreign policy which is the natural outcome of a world view which simply bears no relationship to reality.

Hopefully neither the world nor our national interests will be in hopeless disrepair when Romney or Pawlenty or Jindal or Crist or Huckabee or whoever takes over in January of 2013 and restores sanity to America's attitude toward foreign affairs and defense.

Victory not our objective? Mr. President, what are you talking about?
