Sarah Palin and the Chicago Way

Here's a marvelous article from NR on why Sarah Palin so outrages the Left, on the relentless campaign of the cultural elites to destroy her- and how she ought to respond.

Remember Sean Connery's explanation to Kevin Costner in The Untouchables of "the Chicago way," and how to use it to get Al Capone? It's what the moonbats have been doing to Sarah. It's what they did to Dubyah. About time to do it back.

And here is a Roger Simon piece on the arrogance of the Leftist pundit class as it applies to its visceral hatred of the soon-to-be-former Alaska governor.

Here is an entry from Patrick Glenn of PoliGazette of the malice of the cultural elites toward Gov. Palin, while here is an illustration of the malicious bile they're all describing.

HT: Real Clear Politics


Nickie Goomba said…
There will soon be a change in the public's opinion of Governor Palin. Please read my latest post about the effect of the ongoing media criticism.
Good assessment, Nickie. Like Beezelbub, if there is one thing the liberal media and the liberal establishment generally cannot stand, it's to be laughed at. Unless it's to be ignored and treated as irrelevant. Perhaps that's exactly what the Pit Bull with Lipstick is doing.