Black Caucus joins Carter race baiting

It seems that the Congressional Black Caucus has by-and-large bought into the Jimmy Carter-style race baiting that has followed Joe Wilson's impulsive (and boorish) cry of "You lie!" during President Obama's health care speech.

There's simply no other way to parse it: the Caucus seems to believe that to oppose an African-American president, one must necessarily be motivated by race. This kind of downright silliness is a major obstacle to the Caucus and its members being taken seriously, and effectively works to lessen the impact a charge of racism ought to have when it's legitimately made.

Consider this quotation from a Caucus member concerning the portrayals of Obama in a Nazi uniform and in similar derogatory guises during the recent "teaparty" demonstrations: "This sort of behavior would never be tolerated toward a white president.

No? Er.... ever heard of a fellow named George W. Bush?

And for attacks on the manifesty corrupt vote stealing and pimp-abetting outfit ACORN to be considered racially motivated is to show a grasp on reality that has long since slipped.

This kind of self-pitying paranoia on the part of African American leaders causes racism to be taken much less seriously than it ought to be. The members of the Black Caucus do the cause of racial justice no favor when they wallow in this kind of extremist nonsense.
