BBC notices that global warming isn't warming the globe

The BBC has admitted that 1998 was the warmest year on record- and that global warming hasn't been warming the globe for the past eleven years.

In a rare fit of objectivity for a mainstream news source, it has actually acknowledged that natural causes, rather than human activity, may be responsible for most of the warming that has happened.

Meanwhile, Al Gore- who rarely debates his vocal assertion that the planet is headed for climatic disaster due to human abuse of the environment- actually took questions on the subject at a meeting in Wisconsin. When an Irish filmmaker challenged Gore about what he said were a series of inaccuracies in his film An Inconvenient Truth, Gore pointed out that a British court had upheld its showing to English schoolchildren. When the filmmaker attempted to challenge Gore further, his microphone was cut off:

Approximately two hundred protesters showed up to register dissent from Gore's position.

HT: Drudge
