Meet the Ricketts family

As Rick Morrissey points out, the Cubs are finally owned by Cub fans. Perhaps that will make a difference.

In any case, the Ricketts family seem not only to be nice people with whom Cub fans like me can identify, but fellow sufferers from the incurable illness of loyalty  to a team whose management has not always through the years always seemed to put nearly as high a priority on the club's success as we did. Whether P.K. Wrigley, a fine gentleman who unfortunately was clueless where baseball was concerned, or the Chicago Tribune, a corporate entity for whom the bottom line was measured in dollars and cents rather than wins and losses- the management of the team has seldom seemed to be on the same page as the most dedicated fandom in all of sports, for whom a world championship would be not merely a notch on a corporate gunhandle or a nice thing for the city, but an event right up there with birth, marriage and death as a life event.

One gets the feeling that Tom Ricketts would greet a World Series victory for the Cubs the same way, and that's an awful nice feeling to get from a Cubs owner for a change.
